Naturist Blog
The best way to have a Tantric Massage is a Ritual. Very unique and genuine Tantric Massage in London created by Lily Lotus is the Tantric Rituals. Amazing naturist session with special Magic herbal bath ceremony, with crystals, aphrodisiac organic herbs, dead sea salt, hymalaian pink rose salt, water massage ,candles, meditation music and afterwards the Tao Zen Lotus tantric massage with organic olive oil. This combination with rare salts and organic herbs give to you a unique deep relax experience more the magic hands of this Portuguese therapist with more then 10 years experience in Tantric Massage Rituals.

The tantric naturist massage is the best massage ever
This include all part of your body, and both of us is naturally naked .This is the real massage because all part of your body is include in the treatment. Tantric massage is a holistic therapy what can put you completely out of stress. It is holistic and with the help of natural products, like organic oils and herbs, this can clean your body, mind and soul of all negative energies. 


Kundalini energy is the energy of life everyone have. It is a energy of our body, is the essence of life.It is envisioned either as a goddess or else as a sleeping serpent, hence a number of English renderings of the term such as "serpent power".When you are in a deep meditation state is the moment you can find the Kundalini energy in it essence. The most commonly reported Kundalini experiences is the feeling of an electric current running along the spine what happens on any tantric massage . Kundalini literally means coiled. In yoga, a "corporeal energy" - an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force or Shakti, lies coiled at the base of the spine.Usually it is in a dormant state. This means that most people never feel it and never know it is there. But in a very few people, perhaps one in one thousand, this energy becomes aroused, activated. This can be a happy event or it can be scary and disruptive, depending on whether you aroused your kundalini on purpose or by accident.
kundalini experience is manageable and not disruptive. Other times it can be scary for the person, because they may experience sensations or movements that are unlike anything they have felt before. Unintended kundalini arousal can occasionally be embarrassing when it causes movements that you can't control, such as twitches or head movements. And it can be mildly to severely disruptive, even disabling. I have found severe reactions to be extremely rare.

Naturist Blog